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Listed below are important factors which have a major impact on nest hole
occupation with which you should become familiar:
1. Place of nest hole suspensions
Note: The location of nest hole suspension is one of the most important
factors if you are serious in your desire to have a successful occupation.
2. Height of suspension
3. Distance from other nest holes occupied by same type bird
4. Position of nest hole
5. Kind of nest
6. Our behavior

Nest hole is to be located near a forest complex or any other site, we must remember not to place the nest hole near frequently visited areas or roads.
Access to water is essential for nurturing of young birds

Nest hole is to be located within private home boundaries and we must remember:
1. Find a location where the birds will have privacy
2. Height is important for placement of nest holes as different species of birds require different levels of height
3. Keep adequate distance between neighboring nest holes
4. Discreet location is recommended with limited movement of people
5. Outgoing gap in nest hole must be pointed in an east direction
6. Each nest hole should blend with the character of the surrounding environment


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